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(2 edits)

I absolutely love this game, it felt so good to know what to do in chapter 3-4, keep up the good work for everyone that was involved in this.

Might i ask, what inspired Love/Regret? I didn't think there would be a big tsundere so I'm curious as for their origin

(3 edits)

thanks for playing! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

(spoilers below)

 I don’t know that Regret was inspired by anything in particular…? Maybe there were some characters I was charmed by at the time that I can’t remember now. I think I just really like characters who are a bit mean at first but secretly have a lot of love in their heart. Since family relations are a key theme in the game, their complicated feelings were kind of inspired by some personal experiences as well. The original iteration of them was much nicer but then I decided that was boring, lol

Based opinion, have a nice day