No problem - if anything, I should be thanking you. You've worked hard to give me, and other players, a window into your soul, to let us connect with you in a one-way fashion without ever demanding anything in return. That is exactly why I reached out; I didn't want this connection to be one-way. I wanted you to have the opportunity to feel the same - for lack of a better word - intimacy I felt when I played your worlds. Were I of better mettle, I would make a world for you to play in return, a chance to relate to me as I have related to you. Maybe some day I will, if I can muster the courage. For now, this call into the void will have to suffice.
Thank you for showing me you. It was a beautiful experience. As someone with ADHD, focus in particular resonated with me, although the real cream of the crop, as I'm sure the other players making their pilgrimage here to pay their homage to you would agree, is doing good. You leave a bit of yourself in all your worlds, even - actually, especially - your rather helpful useful images, which is how I "met" you in the first place, but doing good is something else. Again, I realize it's only a game, and I understand you probably made all these worlds years ago and were another woman then, and I won't pretend to actually know you based on what amounts to a 5 minute visual poem, but that doesn't mean the human connection I experienced while playing them felt any less real. Now, I don't know if you're struggling - I hope you aren't, but I also hope you won't fault me for thinking you are, based on doing good - but if you are, I thought this could be my way of giving you the opportunity to connect with me the way you gave me the opportunity to connect with you:
You don't have to smile for anyone but yourself.
You are not a failure for feeling unhappy.
You don't have to be doing good.
You are good enough.