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Gorgeous art, compelling mechanics!

Some of the levels were frustrating - having to remember a pattern and perform it in the dark kept me stuck for a while, and the spikes are a bit unforgiving (edge (ha) cases where their killbox seems a bit large?). I also found that by lantern-dashing into a spike I was able to run through them unharmed - that’s honestly the only way I was able to complete one level!

Overall fantastic though, really has the ‘just one more floor’ feeling, and every mechanic around the lantern (casting, dashing, recharging, dying in the dark) made me smile.

thank you for sharing your opinion! we are currently working on changes related to spikes and their hitboxes, lantern related bug fixes, level changes and saving system, but i am not sure if it will be available before the jam ends tho. We are happy to hear that you like it! :D