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I promise there will be a lot of sex with MC, you won't miss any :)


I think Ill be missing it all. MC barely had enough content and now you are adding the thing that kills most games. That directly harms the romance. Crazy choice

(1 edit) (+7)(-4)

no, it's not


Not a crazy choice? Yeah, maybe you should have done some research. Game will be abandoned in a year, just like all the other assholes that pulled the bait and switch



(1 edit) (+7)(-5)

Don't mind the idiot too much, the guy is a massive a-hole who keeps barking at every content creator he can because their games doesn't match his tastes, not to count his rotten brain calling out "racist/homophobic devs" even tho he is the one crying every time he sees a non white non heterosexual character

Oh and here's one of his alts, we must have pissed him off so much he couldn't keep it hidden anymore and replied with both

Oh and Sycooo... at least try... that's just obvious

PS sorry I forgot to mention the mc HAS to be a man too for him... talk about sexism if you can't even handle a FeMC


Yeah, I looked at his profile. Not taking him seriously. Thanks.