Gameplay: It takes a really long time to load, but once loaded it seems mostly fine. Some minor bugs like the always watering pail and buying from shop just stacking directly on top of each other, which is annoying but far from game breaking. Good job overall!
Creativity & Innovation: Cute little micro farm sim. Nothing particularly innovative.
Theme Adherence: Mild connection in the games current state. I can see how with additional features this becomes connecting to a community or something, but it isn't really at the "building connections" point quite yet.
Playability & User Experience: Thank you for having a screen that let players know the controls. This significantly improved my experience. Players need to know HOW to play your game. In future jams, give little mini guides as to what does what as well. (Like I wasn't sure how I was supposed to get more seeds at the start)
Art and Design: Cute pixel art, and everything clearly looked like what it intended to be. Great job.
Overall Fun Factor: This is solid. The loop is a little wonky for now, but this is great for a beginner game jam!
As an overall comment: This is a really promising early game jam submission. Keep up the good word!