Like the other two, I was not able to play this game. It opened, but aside from movement, the controls did not work and I couldn't interact with anything. I did, however, walk around the maps to see what you were aiming for!
The art style is charming and rather nostalgic to look at. I quite liked the way the game looked. However, there were some graphical errors: The character sprites would overlap buildings and the lack of a shadow makes it very difficult to gauge distance. Also, the forest path sometimes overlaps into the field or looks slightly off, making it hard for me to navigate and tell just where exactly I'm going.
I found the music very repetitive. It loops seamlessly enough not to be distracting, but it becomes very hard to listen to very quickly. I would suggest adding some more oomph to your tracks in the future so they're a little easier on the ears.
The UI was good for its simplicity, but the lack of any idea how my controls worked meant I spent at least a minute trying to click on everything and trying every single key on my keyboard. I would suggest adding a short document detailing the controls in your game files next time.
With all of my criticisms being said, conceptually, I think this game is incredibly interesting. The cover art and intro description really had me excited to see what kind of intense, mysterious story you were going to tell with it. Which makes the fact that it's unplayable a real crying shame.
Please don't feel discouraged despite what I've said. I think you had a really fun, engaging idea here, and I would love to see you try and flesh this out more in the future, if you feel you still have the drive for it!