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I agree


I felt it was just one giant TEASE.. Don't get me wrong the visuals are pretty stellar and some sexy images within the scenes but it's way too limited. While quickly clicking through dialogue I literally kept saying "this game sucks."

read it, its about story telling but I haven't play it yet so I can't say much but read it


I did read it (at least into Episode 4 before giving up) and it absolutely DOES suck.

The MC spends all of his time thinking perverted thoughts, and then when faced with the option to act on them, he speaks like a prude, acts shy, and tries to c*ckblock himself.

You spend hours "corrupting" the girls, and then get told, "Slow down, let's re-evaluate what we're doing."

Because of the endless "points checks" you are forced to either miss scenes, or back up ad try again. If you DO back up, there is no skip button, so you have to spam the mouse to get back to where you were. And then the "scene" is just a couple of poses, or the MC jerking off.

The dev is OBSESSED with asses, and that's fine, but some angles of the girls where more than their backs are shown would be appreciated.

This game is a great study in how NOT to design a game.