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Hello, as I know Rpg maker have very specific canvas size which the spritesheet has to be on. Right now I can import the complete animation in a spritesheet but I think you still have to put it on the specific size.

Hi yeah, looking at google I have found -

What size is the animation grid in RPG Maker MV?

The format for animations is 192x192 pixels per cell, with a maximum of five cells in a row - resulting in 5*192 = 960 for the width. The length/height of the animation cell can be varied in multiples of 192 as well - 576 are three rows, but you could make it 768 or 960 for more cells as well.

Hello, I will export as soon as I can!

Youra legend looking forward to it Pimen !

Hello! Just made the update! also made source file available!

I have re downloaded works a charm, I also find your fire version with came with a sprite sheet drag and dropped no problem ! thank you Pimen !!!

Nice!! I'm happy that is working properly! Thanks!