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Haha I know that feeling, I felt the same

Good to know I'm not the only one :)

btw i like your game, and i laugh with "The umbrella make's you float? that´s no sense"

Haha thanks. I really wanted the entity to have a kind 'angry teacher who doesn't like how you solved the math problem' personality 

Hahaha it work´s, i liked that

Thanks! Hopefully you'll rate my game when the time comes. I'm definitely going to for yours. I love your aesthetic by the way

sure i´ll will rate, thanks we put a lot of effort 

Same. Too most of my life this week lol. And hey, not trying to be too pushy but if your interested I started making Unity tutorials on Youtube. I have a video for my odd movement system already. Well, part 1 anyways since I ran out of time and needed to get back to the jam

haha sure i will take a look to your video maybe i can learn something new

I hope you'll find something useful! And if not I'm open t requests and pretty good at figuring things out :)