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I played the game for 5-10 minutes and I like it. I think it has potential. However, the switching mechanic is confusing and I would like it to have more meaning and give a clearer sense of what is going on. Maybe you could include a fast minigame or some funny text to make it more engaging. The hunger mechanic is cool, but I think it would be better if we could choose whether to buy food or a room. 

Also, I noticed that, sometime, when playing with the wizard, rooms don't have doors to neighbouring rooms. I think it would be better to make sure that all rooms have at least one door connecting to another room. Or at least clarify where the door will be positioned so we choose strategically.

Good game sofar, Keep at it!

Thanks for playing! A minigame is an interesting idea I hadn't considered, I'll have to think about that some more. I definitely want to add more funny text to explain what the hero is doing.

The hunger mechanic is definitely getting a bit of a rework, I've gotten a lot of feedback on that.

The door bug you noticed is for sure an issue. I'm working on a fix for that because it happens with the other heroes as well. The chamber placing is a little wonky overhaul.

Thanks again for playing the game and the feedback!

You are taking feedback with a big heart. You are on the right path. I wish you a good luck and can't wait for your next video.