Hi everyone! This is Kai from the Cider Discord server (same handsome guy as the above screenshot). I understand the frustration of having to wait months for the software to update. This is due, however, to the dev team's almost daily implementation of new features and bug fixes. Due to how MS Store processes updates (which takes a lot of time), we would like to have a large, quality update, come out at the same time for all platforms. Cider 2.3.0 is just around the corner, and with it comes a new update system available in client, meaning that you will (almost) never have to install a new client through Itch.io again! This new update system is Over the Air, and will include branches for Stable, Beta, and Alpha feature sets, which will all have their own requirements, details later to be announced.
Again, apologies for the huge wait times, but Cider 2.3.0 is soon to be released!
If any of you have any questions or further concerns and would like to voice them, head over to our Discord server and open a support ticket!