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I think I kinda get what you were going for here (comedy via absurdity), but I’ll admit that the game just felt rather… off.

The instruction to ‘press space to fly’, with the resulting animation of the duck seemingly just walking in place without moving kinda gave a first impression of ‘Is the game broken?’. I’d suggest replacing it a ‘hold and release space to start flying’ - to avoid this initial first impression. Of course, in my confusion, I ended up in the pit - and the lack of any means to close/restart the game after reaching that ending (besides alt+tab) was also mildly annoying.

But due to that, ultimately, instead of the presumably intended experience of ‘amusement at the silly situation of the game’, I was mostly just befuddled by the lingering question of ‘is this meant to be happening, or has the game broken?’.

Still, it’s a rather respectable effort for what I’m assuming was your first ever Unity game.

(Also, one other thing - I’d suggest producing a webgl build of your game as well. That way, your game will be playable in browser on its page, which I find tends to help encourage people to actually try playing one’s games)