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Fun game! The music is the best I have heard from the entire gamejam, seriously good work. I found myself listening to it for a while after I stopped actually playing cause it was so good. For the character, the jetpack is enjoyable, although the character themselves feel a bit floaty. Was still easy to control them after a bit of learning. Also, the goal / direction of the game is a little hard to follow. I found myself just jumping around collecting coins rather than delivering things, cause I couldn't understand how the deliveries worked.

All in all, great submission! Especially with the fantastic music

Thanks, I'll pass your comment on to our musician! 

Totally agree with the movement and the lack of a proper tutorial, these were the two main features we ran out of time to work on. 

If you decide to try it again, the map is a 3x3 grid of sectors with exits on the left and right. Going from one side to the other gives you 7,500 points and generates a new map (which contains a new set of coins and batteries). The map generator script verifies that at least one possible path exists. 

Generally, you'll get the most points by primarily doing deliveries and only straying from the path if you see a lot of coins. Dead ends aren't that bad; because these are typically sectors with few possible connections to other nodes, we balanced them out by adding lots of coins and boosters so your score won't be affected too much.

Ohh, I understand. I'll give the game another go with that in mind, thanks! 😄