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hey i really liked the concept and simple design. got to level 7 so far. 

also i make YT videos about itch games like this one:

video link

do you want your game reviewed in my next video???

Hey there, Glad you liked the game and congratulations on reaching level 7, 9 more to go!

Regarding the game review, It's a no doubt YES! Sure thing you can review my game. I really appreciate it!


great. ill take some gameplay footage right now. i like ur game a lot but just a heads up i am not going to rank you #1 game out of all games i have played on itch. 

alright played for 20 minutes and got to level 12. problem is i am not an fps gamer so i think i personally undervalue your game but im still going to give you a good ranking in my video. nice job all around. 

Hey there, I really appreciate you making time for my game and no worries on ranking #1 as long as you had fun and find value in it is what matters the most.

P.s. Actually the idea for this game is also because I'm really frustrated with my bad aim on fps games, I want all my enemy to just stand around so I can shoot them accurately HAHA


ah ok got it!