Or there could be a character customizer, where you have a toggle for "pregnant", and bamm, you play with a character with a big belly that might poke through nearly everything in the way. The player who wants pregnancy, can get a pregnant character, but who doesn't care about it, can simply ignore it.
Ahh, but that would be visuals. Not consequences. No problems there. Like allowing beards on female characters in customization.
The requests for "pregnancy" I saw and see in comments are usually not asking for visuals of a customizeable character alone ;-)
I do not know about Steam, but Patreon might kick you for having certain pregnancy content. I remember a game where the creator made the female mc lay eggs instead of babies for that very reason. It was also a magical pregnancy that lasted for ingame days, not months.
Honestly, it never even crossed my mind to add a full process of that sort, also including children or babies in this type of game just feels wrong to me.
Although, laying an egg and keeping it as an in-game collectable might be funny.
I will definitely double check the rules in case I add character customization that includes a pregnant option, so thanks for the heads up on that part.
Concerning patreon, they have this halfassed phrase in their tos that means anything and nothing. Especially since it contradicts itself.
"We also do not allow other fringe sexual fetish creations"
They cite incest as the first "example". Only, if one goes to a real adult site with real humans and sorts the content by US viewers, since patreon is US based, one will find that the top categories will include things like "step" and "family". They can think about this however they like, but claiming it is a fringe fetish is wishfull thinking.
Anyways, certain pregnancy content will be viewed by them as "other fringe", since they try to push their own views, for artificial pixels no less. To me, feet worshipping is fringe. But it is not offensive. So apart from whatever patreon uses as their makebelieve normal fetish range, I guess it depends how many "offended" people complain. So no showing the birth, might be enough to be safe. And no showing of x-ray penetration.
The situation is quite mind boggling for many things. Murder is illegal. Incest is illegal in most parts of the world and has a variable definition. It is possible to marry your cousin in many parts, yet you are still related by blood, and hence technically having incest. But then you add fiction and show a movie with murder in it. All is well. Then you show a movie, with actors and try to show incest and suddenly you are banned from the platform. And even the added layer of abstraction of not only using actors, but artificial pixels is not enough. I wonder if they ban text stories as well. Hmm. Seems not. I checked an adult site with a story section.
Sorry for ranting.