Alright concept, but let down by the execution. It’s a nice prototype for a local pvp game (didn’t encounter any major glitches in the game), but the game just feels empty.
It definitely does need a HUD of some description - some means of indicating to the players how much time is left in the fight (assuming that the game runs on a timer), some sort of health bars/indicator of how close each player is to losing (assuming that the win condition is just ‘dont die first’) - something to indicate that your attacks are actually doing something. Because, in the current state, it just feels like the game is just ‘jump around and spam shots at each other in the hope that the game eventually declares you the winner’.
Who knows, maybe you could try to add some strategy to the proceedings by adding in charge shots or something (interruptable if you get hit by an enemy shot whilst charging), or encourage players to move around more by adding some pickups (power-ups?) to incentivize not camping, or maybe even additional weapons you can use?
The game still has potential though, but the unrealized potential just kinda can’t be overlooked.