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I only had the time to check out the very start of this so far, but I'm REALLY loving it. The art is incredible and that concept of a werewolf transformation is horrifying and fascinating. I'm really excited to check out more when I have the time (...and I might try to play through the French version as well sometime, just as language practice)

I always really love to see unique depictions of werewolves. Really excited about this. Awesome stuff, can't wait to fully experience it!


Thank you so much! I'm really glad you're loving it so far, it means a lot to me.

OK! I had the time this evening to sit down and go through all the options and find all the interactible objects to view all of the memories. I really loved it. The art is stunning, I really enjoy the "voice" of the transformed wolf and how it responds to stress and instinct, the soundtrack was incredibly effective, and it was overall a really cohesive and strong experience. The click-and-drag controls were a little hard on my wrists but it was worth it especially since it wasn't too long. I'm really glad I found this, amazing work!