Hahah I just started to make such browser extension. Well I as well have no knowledge but I get the gist on how to start.
Here is what I come with:
[[Step 1 Make an Extension]]
[[Step 2 Gather Links from Collection]]
Early on ask users to scroll to the end of their collection as extension is still under development.
At start here we should provide auto scroll and write links to Database.
Later on we can as well delete links that are already written in DB.
[[Step 3 Store Links from Collections]]
We should as well store permalink to collection. If link is already in Database then we only updating it and not writing new Collection.
[[Step 4 Clear Link Database functionality]]
[[Step 5 Compare links from DB to those on Page]]
Should be done on each new loading of new elements. Like scrolling down.
[[Step 6 Delete elements on match]]