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Thanks for your input, but it seems like you missed a big part of what I was saying, my friend. The only reason the main character isn't the strongest in the world is because the world he lives in isn't suitable for proper cultivation. Sure, the author has added their own twist to cultivation, but it still follows the general rules. Cultivation does take a ridiculously long time, but what you don't seem to understand is that the main character has a martial sovereign body, which is considered one of the most overpowered things in cultivation. On top of that, he's a reincarnation of a god. Now, I'm not saying he should instantly become a god or anything, because that would make the story less exciting. The main character is still in his early years, and the story will hopefully show his journey as he becomes an unbeatable force over the years. However, the problem is that he progresses way too slowly, especially when it comes to the stones. Tang Wei himself said that finding a few of these stones would instantly boost him to godhood or something along those lines, and killing martial artists makes you stronger by absorbing them. So far, we've only seen one stone boost the main character from a weak mortal to a middle houtain after a 2-year coma. That was a huge power boost. Now, you're telling me I'm being impatient when the main character has already found another stone after meeting the dragon girl, and his power boost is just a few dai strands? If we follow the logic that even the main character himself stated as well as tang wei, these stones should make him even stronger. By now, in the story, he's found 2 stones, so absorbing the second one should at least put him at peak houtain. I'm simply pointing out the plot holes I'm seeing, and it's not impatience to expect the main character to get stronger faster than everyone else. If you've read any cultivation stories or manhuas, you'd know that even the weakest cultivators with impurities, once they possess a martial body, will always be leagues above the rest.

I'm not here to argue, just sharing my opinions on things that I think should be addressed. It's okay if you don't agree with me. As someone who loves reading cultivation stories, I have a lot of insights on the subject. I'm just pointing out things that don't make sense to me in this story. Yes, I understand that the story isn't complete and the developer doesn't want us to become instantly stronger. However, the words in the story contradict the cultivation process itself. I won't be replying to this anymore because I've already said my piece. Continuing this discussion would be a waste of time. I just want to see this game succeed and hear the developer's thoughts on the issues I've raised. Remember, you didn't write this story, the developer did. So, no matter what you say, only the developer can correct my assumptions since they control the story flow. Have a good day.


I'm not trying to argue with you, but I do want to bring attention to one thing.

If we follow the logic that even the main character himself stated as well as tang wei, these stones should make him even stronger. By now, in the story, he's found 2 stones, so absorbing the second one should at least put him at peak houtain. I'm simply pointing out the plot holes I'm seeing,

This is assuming two things:

1. That qi stones are all made equal. We don't really know this; the second qi stone may have just been less potent than the first.

2. That going from middle-Houtian to peak-Houtian takes the same amount of effort as going from mortal to middle-Houtian. It most likely isn't.

Take Tang Ruo for example. They enter early-Houtian a few days (or weeks) after entering the sect. Then they enter middle-Houtian right before the expo. This was over the course of several months. Now a 2.5-year time-skip happens, and they've only reached late-Houtian.

We know Tang Ruo never stopped training. So that could only mean the time, training, and power necessary to ascend to the next stage will take longer every "level up," so to speak.

That's it. Personally, it makes sense to me. Though, you likely know more about cultivation stories than me, and so if that runs contradictory to other xianxia tales, then that's fair criticism. Have a good day.


Mhmm I wasnt referring to you my guy,was talking to the other guy but you did bring up some pretty good points so yeah for now I will just wait until more content so I can form a better opinion on the pacing,at least you aren't an asshole about it and you give geniuene good points.

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Are you playing the Boosty demo by any chance? If not, then MC makes some SERIOUS headway in terms of strength, so you have a lot to look forward to.

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However, the problem is that he progresses way too slowly,

I reiterate: it takes the MC 6 months tops to reach the stage others take years and often decades to achieve. Starting effectively from mortal level scratch. If this is your idea of "too slowly" then we simply have to agree to disagree on this.

Regarding the stones, Tang Wei needed a few of those to replenish his qi reserves and teleport out of the game world. But he's already a fully developed god-like being, not a fresh vessel which needs incomparably more qi to develop to his level. Also keep on mind that what your MC gets their hands on aren't the same stones, but tiny remnants of stop-gap solution produced by Tang Wei out of "mere" few millions of the world inhabitants. They're far from the same thing in terms of carried power.

Btw, each of the stones you get in the story grants you the same amount of power: 10 qi and 100 exp. The rest of exp you have available after the time skip doesn't come from the stone, but it's what you've accumulated as your character attributes up to that point. Perhaps it's a narrative mistake to make the first instance of getting your hands on one of these pebbles seem far more beneficial than it actually is.


Yeah now that actually makes a bit more sense on regards to the stones but still I will stick to my opinion,Like I said I am not looking for any arguments simply just trying to figure out these weird plot holes I came across, hopefully the dev will clarify a few of my points for me. And yeah I did have a suspicion that not all the stones are the same power but still tang wei did say we only need a few of them and they are pretty rare.