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This looks very fun and cool! The rounds looks to have just enough strategy to them to make things interesting and I love the rock-paper-scissor element to the game play. Also, having the last stage of the game change to be players vs hogfish is a really fun way to make finishing the game feel exciting. My one query is about how you determine how much food is in play?  I couldn't see any instruction regarding that, but apologies if there is and I just missed it :p

Thank you very much, I am glad you like it ^^.

The food available for any given round is determined by the valued of the rolled dice at the beginning of the round. So: Round starts -> players chose their action -> players roll dice -> add dice values together, the result is the available food that round

I can see how it would be easy to gloss over that, it's right above the list of actions which grab a readers attention. I'll make the sentence bold to add more emphasis.

Thank you for the feedback :)

I see where it is written now! Thank you for pointing it out, sometimes my brain just fully skips things no matter how hard I focus :P