This was a lot of fun! My team also went with a trash pick up theme so I was keen to play this one.
I enjoyed raising a piece of wet crumpled paper's value upwards of a million lol. The endless nature of it had me testing the limits just to see what it would do, and I broke it big time there at the end... But that kind of only made it more fun for me, hehe. All the values flipped and I ended up only making money by mashing the spawn rate, and then I had fun realizing that now I became the development causing the litter, rofl.
I loved the chill music and the 3D models, as well as the color coding telling you where each piece of litter goes. I also love how the litter would just sit in the bin if placed in the wrong one. Being able to drag it around was a really neat touch, and needing to get back to the river to grab more before it got away gave the game a nice yet calm sense of urgency. I didn't increase the spawn rate until the end, but I had fun with just how much would keep spawning.
Now I just have to find a way to recreate this in real life so I can sell measly litter for over a billion hm hmmmm....
...Erm, without causing the litter as well... XD
Bravo :)