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I will look into if I can create a sale with coupon code for those who bought 0.19 when I release 0.20.

(1 edit) (+1)

I do agree that 7$ per update is rather stiff.

You may want to release it for like 1$ is you plan to have like 20 or 30 more updates before it ends.

Not to mention that having the list of owned games grow with each versions, is going to become old real fast for most people :)

You could simply decide on a total price, and simply update it normally after, like most are done. I don't think Itch is really suitable for that paid per release format, from the users' side, it's going to be both very expansive, and annoying as the version numbers are just going to pile up in our libraries.

(2 edits) (-1)

Just wait until the game is finished and buy it then. Don't feel that you need to buy every update that's available. It wouldn't be fair to my Patreons who help me produce this game if I give away new updates for 1$

You've got yourself to blame for THAT! The game's too good :D


Thanks. I will look into the option of giving a discount to those who bought the last update when I release a new update.


The price is too cheap, in my honest opinion