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Firstly you can include a .zip file to share both files.

The sprite art is definitely the best part of this. There definitely could use way way more animations but the artstyle itself isn't bad. I am not sure if the game wasn't working properly for me but there was no sound at all. 

The gameplay is really repetitive and kind of boring because you can stand in one spot and just shoot until wave 60% where it gets interesting. I think for a game with a rapid fire weapon you should allow the player to hold down the mouse button to continuously shoot because I didn't like spamming my mouse button to fire. 

The lack of audio of any sorts makes the game feel unfinished and lifeless but that's easy to fix by having audio at all lol.

Overall I really like the art style and I think with a lot of adjustments the game can be made a lot better. I will give it another try and it seems buggy one my end. I am glad I played it.