I adore the premise of this seagull simulator, terrorising people and plundering their food. I found the control scheme rather tastefully-executed, needing to manually flap the seagull’s wings, and I found the cardboard aesthetics of the NPCs (and the physics they suffer upon getting dived) to be pretty cool as well. I also appreciate the effort the NPCs put into retrieving their chips upon losing it.
Overall, good prototype.
However, I do find the lack of any real gameplay to be a bit disappointing. There’s just the three NPCs with their chips which can be stolen, and there’s nothing to do with the food upon stealing it. There’s no objectives, no means of scoring points, no win conditions, no lose conditions, nothing. I eventually just opted to try stealing all the chips and drop them into the sea/off the edge of the world, which prompted the NPCs to chase the food into the abyss. After which there was nothing else to do.
Still, good effort.