game is great so far, it gives me the same feeling as the original, i just found a few bugs like kicking the wrong block or "item storage" as i called it ( if you use a hook on an object thats already too close he wont pick anything but if you try to use the hook again it will spawn the item again, it seems to only work from a few directions, it can also work if you shoot between 2 itens one will be picked the other stored, it sometimes can duplicate itens and works on vases, barrels, bombs, and gems (might work on fruits but im not certain)) i felt like a speedrunner when i used that bug/glitch to duplicate the bombs on the boss and defeat them quickly, i know you will probably fix it but i actually hope you wont because its a fun glitch.
edit: so depois de postar percebi que voce fala portugues foi mal.