Thank you so much for your thorough feedback. It helps me alot to improve the game. I'm happy that you like the changes I've made. All of them are based on my personal preference so it's good to know I can rely on my instinct.
The ass can actually already go absurdly big but I wanna hold back the max potenital so there's something to look forward to on the full release. Although I let you guys go nuts on the belly size just for the most hardcore players.
One thing I am not ever going to do is different body types. It is such a huge pain in the ass to make clothes that don't clip with any animation or any belly size or any ass size. I will never be able to completely get rid of clipping. the body type would just give me another variable to worry about. I am sorry.
Although I might add another NPC so out of curiosity, what kind of body type you feel like is underrepresented here? If you can give me some examples, I might work it into the game.
The shop is nice but it's still missing couple of features like buying in bulk and actually seeing how much stuff you have.
I'll probably remove the drag and drop for the PC beacause at the end of the day I want what's best for the experience.
1. Yes I need to add the audio. I've just been too lazy to do it.
You're not the first person to ask for burps. I guess I can add them, wouldn't be too difficult, but by deafult they will be turned off. Just asking though, should the burps and farts be random or is it somehow related to feeding?
2. That sound really niche. I don't even know where to find the no-copyright sound effect.
3. Glad you asked that. I haven't planned for it (I mean they are already pretty big). But the fat[ter] version of each character already exists. I made them for fun without even planning to use them. I don't know how I'm even going to fit the big ones into the map if they already fill up most of the screen.
I have BIG plans for The Founder so you don't have to worry about that.
Thanks again for your feedback.