What an amazing entry!! The isometric art style, the emotional music, and the well-designed bosses are really what makes this game shine. I especially like how in the first boss, the background turns black for one attack. The story is also extremely captivating, and seems like a sequel to TRYH4RD (maybe?). While on the topic of story, the dialogue system was also executed perfectly with flavor text and screen shake to spice up the conversations.
One small nitpick I have however is how you could’ve utilized the theme more. Right now, I feel like the winning strategy is to just spam the attack button so that the homing magic bullets just hit the boss without you ever even needing to get close to it. Maybe instead of exchanging weapons every 3 times you press the button, it could be every 3 times you hit the boss with that weapon?
All in all, amazing work and can’t wait to see what you make next time! (I loved TRYH4RD btw)