lower than 10 total lust between the lizardmen and acolytes, and never choosing the red options when talking Othra. after that have high like with multiple lizard NPC's and be honest with Roushk.
slightly spoiler version, once you unlock the purification lake tell Othra to keep quiet about it to not risk the lake, and stick to that decision later when asked again. also save Roushk instead of kidnapping him, but back onto what to do if you already saved Roushk and told Othra to keep quiet, that is to get a bunch of like with every lizard NPC you can. you have to make a choice later that changes depending on how much total like you have with the Lizardfolk in total. not the wild ones you beat the fuck out of, but the NPC's you can romance and are named. such as Grushk, Othra, Rhot, Xer and Roushk. I believe you need around 100 total? not for each just 100 after combining all the lizards like number. like 25 per lizard or 60 in one and 10 in everyone else to be safe. you also don't need any hearts, but getting Rhot's first one gives some cute dialog during a later event during this. it's usually already done if you've gotten to the part where the like is important and you never chose any options that decreased like with anyone in the tribe. but if you wanna be safe, you can just get them all as high as possible.
and in detail for the lust thing I mentioned earlier you need to keep low, their are a couple events (one time for all the acolyte ones and a couple repeatable for the warriors) for it. one is the one you can encounter a priestess feverishly trying to get off because she can't enter the temple due to her horny thoughts randomly when going to the temple, this only happens once as far as I'm aware, and during it you get 3 choices, give a lust potion (does nothing as far as I'm aware other than make her run), eat her out (this one increases acolyte lust) and give her a restrain potion. uncertain if the restrain potion reduces the total acolyte lust but it might. the other one for acolytes is the one where you save 3 acolytes who left the temple, letting them people they are stuck with do as they please will increase acolyte lust, but for one of those if you offer yourself it increases warrior lust instead. increasing the Acolyte lust is a lot harder if you unaware, warrior lust is super easy, just submit to warriors in the practice duels after teasing them.