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Sorry, but that won't happen. Avatars are as far as I'm going with character art. I've been very open about my choice of not using art / images / videos / porn to illustrate the game, other than the avatars. I think it would be detrimental to the experience and to my writing.

Oh okay that’s fine! Just in case of confusion and this isn’t me trying to pry but it’s just in case you didn’t no and I swear it’s not me trying to be rude. But character ai isn’t about art it’s where you can describe a character and make it so the public can kind of like talk to that character. It’s hard to describe but you should definitely check it out even if it’s not creating your characters on it. It’s a lot of fun!

I assumed you meant that one where you feed it a script and it animates an avatar to speak. Akin to some scenes in Bound To College.

Now that I think about it, I have visited before and chatted a bit with some random character there.

Putting my character on an AI website unrelated to my project is just not something I'm aiming for. Although I understand your interest in it.