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I like hard core games. Though I don't have time now to complete it but I may found time in future. 

These statements are just my humble opinion. Do not take it to heart <3


  • I like how controls are showed at the start f the game. It's convenient.
  • Various location, various art environment. I like diversity. It reminds me of the TES:Skyrim that I am playing.


  • It would be cool If player's velocity set to zero on DOWN press. I found it difficult to dodge "spikes" on the first boss on full speed. Game forces me to move slowly because of momentum. So to stop instantly I need press away LEFT or RIGHT button... mmm OK. It's not drawback actually, just my taste.
  • The second boss does not have any feedback about taking damage from the player. It's frustrating. I see that there is slight red tint but for the second boss It's very very subtle, hard to notice. And another things It seems to me that wave height is too big but I may be wrong.   I've came to game's page and saw that I have double jump xD. There is a situation when boss make side attack and wave attack simultaneously, no way to dodge this, It could be fixed by lower duration of side attack presence in the level.
  • Some more SFX would have been nice.

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! I really appreciate it. We'll definitely take those things into consideration in the future!