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(2 edits) (+4)

I love this game! especially the little details! (mild spoilrts)

You can go to the party and once you remove the mask theyll come tie you up and tease you. However, if you have  Chastity Belt youll get awhole new dialoge! And the best part, if you wear living clothing then theyll comment on that too, being amazedby it! gotta see if i can get it to work with Parasites too.

Is there anything you can do at these parties or is it just a scene yor usto enjoy with no more quests to it? also is there a way to move into Upper New Ark? or at least get a "Permanent" pass, Also is there an intended way of defeating the science tower infestation that isnt fighting?

edit: Just finished the Don Quest and had a fight with Fawn. Im in UNA but cant find her, ive looked everywhere. where is she?

This game is so huuuuge i love it!


Very happy you're enjoying it so much! Glad to see the little details are appreciated~. For now, the parties are just a place to have some fun, although that might change in the future. There's no way to move up there yet or get a permanent pass. That's waiting on a certain route to be done. For the tower infestation, you do essentially have to fight. I could consider some obscure way to cheese the place I suppose?

For Fawn, make sure you've checked the club and talked to everyone there!

(1 edit)

Alright, sweet! Can’t wait for what’s to come, thanks!

As for the infestation, maybe you could use repulsion spray on the abomination during the fight, doing great damage and stunning it for a bit.

Alternatively you could brew together a stronger version of it using repulsion spray and maybe a new item like Worm Extract from the worm in the forest or Bug Venom or some other rare-ish item you can collect.

That could work! I'll see. It shouldn't be something too obvious I think