Uhm. Code can be art, of course. But just because it is code, does not make it art.
The same is true for things commonly called art. Just because something is a painting on canvas does not make it art. And just because something has a deeper meaning does not make it art.
A display of great skill is art. Doing a craft and excelling at it. To stay with paintings, people forgot that this was a craft, like any else. People got paid to paint (other, more rich people usually). But some of those artisans had such a great skill, what with the light effects and colors and perspective used, they just stood out among all the others. Evoking emotions and hiding meaning in a painting are also skills.
Oh, and yeah, operating an ai system is also a skill, so there will be a variance in results and people that can do it just so much better than others. It is just, that those systems are beginner friendly for lack of another word. You have early results with minimum effort. Just like any "amateur" can take a snapshot with their smartphone, yet there are still highly paid photograph aparatus operators.