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(1 edit)

The game has some nice art and animations, but the background music is a bit repetitive. I also found the camera movement to be quite nauseating. The bat enemy is too difficult and there are no health pickups or checkpoints. Perhaps there can also be an indicator of how many gems are left. To end, I didn't see how the game fits the theme. Maybe this becomes clear after collecting all of the gems, but that's to frustrating for me.

Thanks for checking out the game, and yes, it does only become clear after collecting all of the gems. If you go inside the tent the wizard guy will tell you how many gems are left, but I can see how that would be easily missed. Apologies that you found the game too frustrating, the health and game over system was the very last addition to the game, so I didn't really get to test how hard it was to complete the game with three hearts or how frustrating it is to lose your progress. I was afraid the game would have no challenge if you could keep your gems after dying, but I suppose that an super easy game would have been a better alternative to a frustrating one. I have gotten some feedback from one or two people that the music becomes repetitive very quickly. I thought this wouldn't be an issue since I imagined the average playtime only being a few minutes, but I didn't really account for the time lost when dying.

If you ever want to give it one more shot, it might help to know that the bat enemy is programmed to position itself ahead of you with a distance relative to your speed. If you can continue walking or running in a single direction, he will always stay the same distance ahead of you (and he'll likely never hit you if you run). If you change directions he will move to your other side, which will hit you if you're at the same height as him. Climb up some platforms while moving in one direction, and then wait for him to slowly come to you once you stop for an easy opportunity to jump on him. There's only one of him, and he's really the only difficult thing the game has to throw at you.