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(4 edits) (+1)(-20)

The disgustingly bad plot makes Shido feel like he is being NTRed by MC directly, which makes the game experience extremely bad. If Shido and MC don't fight to the death later, one of them will definitely lose and die. I don't believe it. I don't know you. What's the point of doing this? Is it fun to disgust others for fun? It's just your personal jealousy and bad taste. In order to rationalize your evil deeds and make it seem like Shido is responsible for all this in the plot, it's just to satisfy your own ugly and dirty desires. For the garbage beasts and scum. , there is nothing to say, no matter where you are, which place, which country, the most indispensable thing in this world is scumbag creators
(1 edit) (+10)(-1)

Just shut the fuck up and whip up your dick and masturbate you damn cuckold. What?mad cuz Your favorite self insert mc(main cuck) gets cucked?



I laughed for the past 15 minutes thinking of the face you must have made while writing this comment. Your cucktard prince Shido isnt real nor are his harem girls that are getting ravaged in this game. Just close the game if you cant handle fiction lil bro