Hello there! Welcome to Feedback Quest RPGs! My name's Hythrain, and I'm one of the streamer's for Feedback Quest and also a host for mini events like this. I'm writing this feedback after having played your game live. If you'd like a link to the VOD when it's posted, just let me know.
When first jumping in, I had fun with this. It was action oriented and I quickly got a hang of how to play. Then I left the tutorial and that changed rather quickly as I would very quickly die while trying to make progress, as once enemies lunged at me I would constantly forget I needed to move away from them before I could attack them. Combining this with a lack of being healed when you're revived and you have a recipe for something that can be infuriating.
Unfortunately, I did NOT beat it as I kept dying a lot in the caves. At minimum, I would recommend that the player is fully healed when returning from death. I would also suggest that there should be a way to attack something and push it away if it's right on you. Even if it's just a shove back that does no damage, it at least will allow players to not feel like they have to run away the instant . This would also prevent the player from being hit multiple times in a short period, which I found happens a lot. Also, omg traps. D:
Would play again when I've regained my sanity.