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Definitely an interesting take on the theme. So much so that I want to steal this idea and make something like it one day lol

I beat two phases of the boss so I'm assuming I won since it took me back to the main menu

Loved the sort of horror-vibe that you were going for, although I felt that the environment could have looked somewhat more interesting. At the very least, it doesn't get in the way of the fight

I think you could have added a slight indicator for whether I was actually aiming at the boss. Maybe those white arrows showing the direction you're aiming could have turned red or something if you were aiming towards the boss. This is because it got kinda annoying when I was aiming towards the boss, but missing because I was off by maybe a degree or so

Probably a skill issue on my part lol. And I can definitely see how the current setup can add to the overall fear factor of the game, but it got more frustrating over time rather than scary. I think the player's hitbox could also have been made somewhat smaller as well,  just to make the line attack somewhat more forgiving. But I'll admit that this one's not that big an issue

What did feel like an issue to me was the amount of enemies spawning in the second phase. They did force me to move around more since they were in my line of fire, but I think that there should have been a hard limit on the number of them which spawn. At the very least I think enemies should have despawned after a while since it was becoming unmanagable ( Although if they already do that then I take back what I said. I probably didn't notice. )

Apart from that, the audio that is here is nice, and the game is honestly pretty fun overall for what it tries. Really good stuff here