a comment I saw made me curious, what are some scenes y'all wanna see between characters? like any of them, even ones who don't even know the other exists as a pairing is fine. like Groth and Feliar.
personally I wanna see Rhot and Roushk fight/try and fuck us better, Tao topping anyone (me), Groth and Orgram fuck our brains out, maybe even Korg joins in, Khalagor and his minions pounding us till we're stupid and more lewd fame stuff in the Tavern and Orc Tribe. like walking around naked maybe a Dwarf might spank us or tease our hole, and the Orc Tribe we would just get picked up and fucked. also Everett meeting Roushk or the Orc tribe and having fun with them all would be REALLY nice.