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(2 edits)

Beat it after a couple tries - there were a few issues with controls and general ability to parse the 3d environment, which took some getting used to but didn't stop me from completion ^^ The lore and bosses remind me of Rival Megagun, which also has you participate in a space TV show to the death.

Despite seeming very "unity-like" with the way the assets look, I think it turned out well aesthetically, with some nice details and touches, like how Corvette derps out into spins during its second attack. I also liked the bullets - great visibility while pleasing to the eye. The sounds were somewhat too loud, but overall fitting together with the music.

The gameplay - I think it turned out alright as well, the boss attack design is varied enough, player and enemy bullet hitboxes aren't too big. Though to note, ship movement inertia was something I disliked about it, and it didn't feel like it adds anything here - the small and lightweight mobile ship sliding in space like on ice as if it's throwing around a lot of weight, makes little sense to me. It's not that bad since the game doesn't require micrododging - still, I'd really consider removing that mechanic, and if it makes the game too easy - adjust boss patterns to compensate. With how well made your patterns were, the inertia is only going to limit your design options in the long run.

Some smaller things to note, including bugs:
- Corvette boss fight, parsing the boss and player location was difficult due to how the 3d perspective worked. I couldn't hit my shots much of the time, which was especially painful after picking up the exchange power up. Some kind of aim marker, like a laser pointer, would have been nice

- For the same reason, Corvette's artillery attack was hard to parse as well. I figured the best way to dodge is to stay at the very top and move horizontally from the smallest-looking bullets, yet sometimes they'd get obscured by the bigger-looking ones that were closer to the camera. Would be great to have some kind of telegraph, like target marks on the field, showing where the bullets are going to land

- Holding spacebar and using arrow keys made it impossible to move diagonally. Probably a problem with my keyboard, either way it made dodging a lot harder. Being able to remap the shot button to somewhere else, like Z, could have let me fix it, consider adding that option if possible

- When trying to play through itch client, I got an error: "Unable to parse Build/usb.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present". Because of it I had to play in a browser instead. The game is quite heavy and takes a while to load, so having a downloadable version would have been handy, including for better performance

Overall - good jam game. Has room to improve. And I think you have the skills and sense to make it better, whether it be an updated version of USB or a future shoot em up/bullet hell game. Hope the feedback will be of use, and congrats on finishing the jam!

P.S. - Since you like bullet hells, consider trying our game, Exaltator Nil. It may be up your alley ^^


Wow - thank you for that very detailed review - it's really appreciated!   I dunno if this helps, but left mouse button will shoot too, but I've got a post jam build and will add Z for shoot too.  Good suggestions on the laser pointer and some indicator for the artillery from the corvette.  I was hoping the grid lines help with aim, but maybe not... 

Your game looks amazing!  I wish I could play, but just have a mac...