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Could someone please tell me if the game limit is day 64? For some reason, after I went to the ruins with Shanice and the bot, on day 64 an ending ends up happening, with the bot disappearing, is it possible to avoid it?


No creo que sea el final del juego, yo voy por el dia 94.

quizas sea un error o algo asi

im having the same problem but im on day 37, did you ever find out what was happening?

Unfortunately no, I made a new save and then avoided this event 

In my experience the final stage of the game begins on day 121 and continues for two more weeks, unless there are more interesting things in the rest of the days,

if i udnerstand correctly, you werent nice enough to her

You need to tell Robopop the truth about Shanice's feelings when you go from her church you will meet a bot, and then your bot will not leave you