You are an adorable little ray of sunshine. Thanks so much for the in depth review. I really appreciate it and I'm glad you had fun reading this.
I will look into whether or not Sugarcube allows for the reader to set the font. I'm still extremely new to all of this. I've actually been back and forth about the font for a while, since I know sans-serif fonts are supposed to be easier to read. It was just one of those things that fell by the way side, though I will probably change it.
lol And I'm especially glad you like the new banner as I literally just changed it to that one a few hours ago. I hope you like the new UI changes that are coming with chapter 2 (hopefully just as easy to read, I'll keep an ear out for any complaints though. You can see previews of it in the screenshots).
Also I laughed a lot at your mention of Kestrel. I have a feeling they'll be very popular overall.