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I get lost so easily, with both following quest lines and the gameplay loop itself, It is a great RPG but I feel as tho something is lacking. Maybe a better traveling  system  or maybe some type of guidance system for newer players. I died more times in first 1 hour of the game than any other. making money is fairly easy but its hard to know when or why a certain quest line/ investment gets disabled. Maybe adding in a little tab that shows how doing something might effect relationships. Overall great game, I get lost in time playing this but at the same time I feel as tho most of that time is either spend grinding money or wondering around the world aimlessly, hopping I run into something. Another thing is that when you read quest or any type of story progression, they mention names like i know them . I feel as you should add in a system where you can click on a quest and make that quest into your top priority, so that all times you know where the next location is at. (something like a small square message on top right saying big max is at the docks go meet em). ALSO some quest lead to game over, because you can't prepare at all, due to you not konwoing that quest has enemiess, espically for first time players.