After reading your last paragraph I'm even more intrigued by your approach.
It is clearly a "risky and challenging bet" as it targets a handheld console with a very small monochrome screen (the playdate made me realize that I need reading glasses -- I feel old now), few buttons and an audience that is accustomed to very short casual games -- nearly the opposite of "immersive".
But if I'm an indicator you already succeeded: Just reading the blog (your incredible profoundness of thoughts regarding the game design) and looking at the beautiful (!) artwork evokes an visceral reaction, a tingle of anticipation. I usually don't have that.
After reading your reply I think by not showing the numbers you allow a higher degree of immersion as the imagination occludes the restraints of the play date. It will only get better with added "focusing on the tension and the mood".
Looking forward to the next devlog entry!