Ah, that's cool i.m.o. - hardly any creative mind who's not "distractable" by something that inspires and nurtures them/their "inner Muse"! <3
Enjoy, as long as it doesn't mess with other more important for your survival obligations, I know that this is important "off-time" from them to "feed the (inner) Muse" with what it needs to gift us with inspiring art ideas (if any efficiency-addicted idiot ever tries to gaslight you - or any other artist - into something, just ask them where they think *creative ideas* originate from. They won't be able to tell, because it's a friggin' Mystery to us...just as Dark Matter/Energy are "place-holder" expressions/terms for what we do *not* know yet because we can't even interact with them intentionally or consciously yet. I do like the idea of Philip Pullman though, that maybe it's what "Consciousness" emerges from - but, by now: any ideas/hypotheses are valid just the same since there's no way to "measure"/quantify anything just yet anyway. We might as well call it "Magic", "Dust" [Philip Pullman] or whatever we like to call things we cannot put a finger on yet - Mathematicians usually use one of the letters of the alphabet for that when they don't know the solution for it yet ;-)
Cheers and thanks for the transparency report - that usually helps adjusting the Timeline for the "Roadmap"/Expectations/Anticipations etc.