The only way I found to unlock the magic shop is hide in the vent when the power went down in night 2,not invite Zero in to ur security room,and not talk to Chiku in night 4,then you will meet Lexy in night 5 instead of night 7. Trust Lexy and u will be told to buy a necklace which prevent u from forgetting her.I also tried get 1000 point of paranormal before ur first meet Lexy in night 7 and it didn't make a difference.So I believe the right thing to do to unlock Z&L both is to invite Zero in 3rd night and meet Lexy in night 7.The paranormal point definitely affect something but not in this version of the game.
As for the research tree,if you get 250 point of A.I , u can find a deleted video about Bonfie at night 5,and it seems to be the reason why Bonfie get "upgrade" in night 6,and nothing happen next,I don't think it matters a lot.U will acquire the knowledge about "forgotten spell" which related to Lexy a lot when u have 800 point of paranormal.U will find the true identity of Chiku,Fexa,Frenni,Bonfie when u reach 400,500,600 and 800 point in missing person,and there's no more about Zero,Marie and Lexy even if I get 1000 point at that.And physical security didn't matters at present.
I think it's not correct to meet Lexy in night 5 because it needs u not have a conversation with the girls in night 2 and not invite Zero.It will prevent u from get research point until night 6.And it's possible to get 250 points of A.I before night 5,and gain 800 points of Missing person and 650 paranormal before night 7.Maybe I should try to gain paranormal faster then missing person because there's no possibility to free Bonfie as far as I know for now.Try whether 250 A.I , 600 missing person , 1000 paranormal is possible before night 7.
And something interesting is U actually have two chances to free Chiku.One in night 4,one in night 8,and they are both before Chiku's update in night 9.Idk whether it will have effects or not.
I' m writing a guide too but it progressed slowly due to my broken English(yeah I wrote it in English,how fool I am lol).Let me known if u have any new findings.And lets hope there's a perfect ending in this game. I think my bed is big enough to hold me and 6 girls at once.