Wow, just wow. This game is fucking awesome. The controls are very nice and the graphics are superb. The variaty in coin patterns and obstacles is well done. I really enjoyed playing it and I guess you plan to port it to mobile due to the screen orientation. I think it will work nice. Would love to play it in case you put out an android version ;)
But as always in my comments, I try to find stuff that could be improved. So here is my list:
- I have read your story on the itch page, but I'm not really convinced that your game is fitting the theme well. But to be honest, we didn't like the theme too and only used it in some parts in our game.
- I would like to have control over the sound and music volume instead of just turning it on or off. But I think this is done because of how you interact with it and having a mobile version in mind.
- Is it planned that you can kill the agents by hitting them with your body? It feels a little weird and makes killing them quite easy. As long as you are fast enough and they don't shoot the moment your are charging them :D
- It is quite annoying and takes some time to get your player back from the bottom if you at any point fell down too far. Most of the time it's because you try to shoot something on top and you get pushed down. Did you try a different push back force for shooting upwards and downwards? If not, give it a try, but it could make the game too easy.
- Your graphics are so nice and then there is your background and Text (e.g. ROCK). Why are they so pixelated?
- I like the weapons a lot, but the automatic weapons are just too powerful :D Maybe you could use your crypto to buy different weapons instead having them spawn randomly.
But don't get fooled by my long list. Your game is the best I have played so far.
I came to your game because I really like your comments on the other games and I'm also the kind of person who gives valuable feedback. So I hope you get a chance to play our game.