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how do i beat dark peuputa


If you want to go for her with random build, then you need to have high lvl and use some tricks. 

It's just me, but I used Many items and Cheated just to get past her. I just saved before her every attack/roll on any afliction and just brut-force till I won

If you want to do it properly, you have to lvl up via mimic-exp-farm or any other way you like and respect for semi-glass canon  build with lots of crit. (Since at this fight you have some free turns before turd get real) 

Tl:Dr If you don't wanna do her proper way just cheat the hell of this battle with tons of saves and you good to go. 

what lv u had when u foght her

60-70'ish if i recall

Now im 134, so i hope i will be able to pass next boss challenge when Treshold throws one.

You dont need that much, i will explain.

I have gone random with lvl 50 something a lot of perks and a lot ton of saves using the as pose and then repeat power up and strong thrust while you save before you use the move and load that save over and over again until you get a crit and in 3 to 4 hits you can win but you will be stack for hours if your unlucky.... like me, and im a sore loser 😑. Oh, and sorry for my bad english.😅

i spammed manticore spikes on her i used 12 it stacks the damage


aphrodisiac + stall is always an option if your willpower is high enough

basically spam aphrodisiac + healing