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I think the biggest thing I'd want to see is more dialogue options with her. 

Questions you can ask her every now and then like "how are you feeling?". I would also like to see her say something about all the darn clothes you buy her, because you can truly buy a lot.

Other dialogue suggestions and such would be, more games (possibly video games to play with her, to make it easier, simple games like pong).

Perhaps anniversary dialogue, for those who play a lot. 

A way to tell her you love her without her prompting you first. 

Kind words to tell her, such as "you're darn cute" 

Perhaps a system where on some days she prefers different positions and will vocalize that preference. 

A way to watch TV with her, since you can't really make whole TV channels reasonably, perhaps already existing news covers in a slideshow format could work. 

And affection system, if you don't talk to her much, she gets upset. And if you do, she gets happy. 

Those are a few of my suggestions, thank you for making this game! 

Also last suggestion, foot job.