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I've only noticed a few new bugs so far. On level 1 of Hailey's mission, when going to the secret area with Ruth, Annie will run backwards to take over Ruth's spot with the guy. And Sometimes the picture of lady to the left of the computer will get stuck on the screen when Annie runs over while dialogue is still running.

When talking to zombie lady about secrets, there is 2 blank dialogue boxes before she repeats the same secrets again. Not sure if those 2 take money or not, I forgot to check.

Also that bug I mentioned in a earlier post about the zombies killing Annie when she escapes is still there. 

I was going to upload the patched version today but I see you have some more bugs reported.

I was scratching my head for zombie killing bug until I noticed zombie has increased animation speed which was not programmed. With that I was able to find the root and it didn't happen for couple of runs.

Deleted 208 days ago