- I really like the animation for the coins and the animation for picking them up.
- I like the dynamic jump.
- The animation when getting the sword was intriguing.
- The sounds and feedback for hitting an enemy and getting hit by one are fitting.
- This is a small thing but I like the curly white grass decor.
- The walking sound is a lot nicer and more fitting.
- I found a strange secret white area but I could not talk to the person there unfortunately.
- I am really interested in that area and lady now!
- I seem to fall forever if I fall out of the white area.
- A smooth moving camera would add to the polish of the game, it can be a bit hard to track platforms sometimes if jumping lots and quickly.
It looks like a lot of feedback got implemented which I think is really awesome. The area design was also overall more fun to explore with the platforming and coins. I still really enjoy the color palette of the game! Also, I did not know about these update pages, nice! I’m not good about keeping an update log on my project, that is a good habit to have.