Love the art.
Audio is too repetitive.
The controls were weird in full screen. The notepad could not be clicked on for me. I tried clicking on the guys, but turns out the game wanted me to click on the number.
The biggest thing that damages the fun in this game for me are the hints. It would say "Has a beard", which obviously I must read as "doesn't have a beard", yet, none of the guys have a beard at all. So that only damages my timer and tells me nothing. The hints should be picked from a pool of valid hints, not randomly.
A second thing about the hints is illogical statements, like "normal eyes". As opposed to what? Abnormal? I assumed that meant "medium sized". I also got "white eyes". What do you mean? All irises in the game are black. The cornea is white, which tends to be the case in every eye, thankfully. "Big moustache", "thin eybrows", another two examples of incomprehensble hints.
These two things ruined a game I was confident I was going to enjoy.